How can you list your website to Dmoz very fast?
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Listing website to Dmoz is the top most priority for the webmasters when “link building” is concerned. But due to infinite waiting time for listing it has turned out to be a nightmare for link builder/SEOs around the world. For this reason it is considered as one of the most difficult part of link building.
If you are one of those unfortunate hard workers; who had tried all possible techniques for dmoz listing without success and at last surrendered to destiny, then give yourself this last chance (yes you heard it right “last”) and follow the instructions very carefully which are taught in this tutorial. After going through this tutorial you will surely acknowledge that “Listing any website to Dmoz is very easy”. I will not waste any valuable time of yours and will unveil secrets of fast dmoz listing(Discover Crucial Secrets of Dmoz)at this moment.
If you go through Dmoz, you will see it is declared " may take several weeks or more.." depending on the various criterion. Actually Dmoz listing can take up to 6 months or more. It also presents you the worst possibility, which is not being listed in Dmoz. But being an experienced Dmoz lister, I will share some secret tips which will guarantee permanent listing.
I) Many websites goes offline due to various reasons. These websites are called "Dead website". Every directory (including Dmoz) in internet contain dead websites. If you are lucky enough, you can can find one within your preferred category. After finding, you can ask the editor to replace the dead link with your's link. This is one of the proven secrets of fast dmoz listing.
II) Create a free account in forum sites like digitalpoint, resouce-zone(Official forum of Dmoz). Editors of Dmoz frequently visits these websites and many of them has an account. After submitting your site to dmoz, announce in those forum. Your chance of quick review will increase and waiting time will be shorten.
III) Find the appropriate category. Go as deep as you can while selecting category. Because deepest category does not have steep competition (which you need to avoid!).
IV) Many webmasters commits a common mistake like submitting their website to exact same folder to competitors. It is very inefficient, avoid it.
V) Last but most important; never ever submit your link twice or more within short period of time. By dong so, your waiting time for review can increase to infinity.
VI) Take note of the 'Last Update' date mark at the bottom. If the category, you selected to submit has not been modified for a long time then there is no point submitting. There may not be any Editor in that category.
These are the most important information which you need to follow to get listed in Dmoz within very short period of time.
You may be curious to find out the Secrets of Dmoz Listing. This intricuisitive Dmoz tutorial discusses all aspects regarding unknown truths about Dmoz listing.
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If you go through Dmoz, you will see it is declared " may take several weeks or more.." depending on the various criterion. Actually Dmoz listing can take up to 6 months or more. It also presents you the worst possibility, which is not being listed in Dmoz. But being an experienced Dmoz lister, I will share some secret tips which will guarantee permanent listing.
I) Many websites goes offline due to various reasons. These websites are called "Dead website". Every directory (including Dmoz) in internet contain dead websites. If you are lucky enough, you can can find one within your preferred category. After finding, you can ask the editor to replace the dead link with your's link. This is one of the proven secrets of fast dmoz listing.
II) Create a free account in forum sites like digitalpoint, resouce-zone(Official forum of Dmoz). Editors of Dmoz frequently visits these websites and many of them has an account. After submitting your site to dmoz, announce in those forum. Your chance of quick review will increase and waiting time will be shorten.
III) Find the appropriate category. Go as deep as you can while selecting category. Because deepest category does not have steep competition (which you need to avoid!).
IV) Many webmasters commits a common mistake like submitting their website to exact same folder to competitors. It is very inefficient, avoid it.
V) Last but most important; never ever submit your link twice or more within short period of time. By dong so, your waiting time for review can increase to infinity.
VI) Take note of the 'Last Update' date mark at the bottom. If the category, you selected to submit has not been modified for a long time then there is no point submitting. There may not be any Editor in that category.
These are the most important information which you need to follow to get listed in Dmoz within very short period of time.
You may be curious to find out the Secrets of Dmoz Listing. This intricuisitive Dmoz tutorial discusses all aspects regarding unknown truths about Dmoz listing.
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This post was written by: Swarup
Swarup is a professional blogger, SEO Strategist and Analysist. Follow him on Twitter
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21 Responses to “How can you list your website to Dmoz very fast?”
March 14, 2012 at 6:50 AM
I'll give this a shot and hope for the best. Fingers crossed....
May 2, 2012 at 1:19 AM
Thank you for the tips, I will try to follow step by step as instructed on this tutorial. And do hope my website get listed on Dmoz very soon.
Thank you,
May 21, 2012 at 8:41 PM
it looks this way
or pay?!!
June 8, 2012 at 5:09 AM
I had no idea about solution (I)! I will check on it now! Other than that it, and having read the "secrets" post as well I must say, dmoz listing looks easier but not easy...
June 17, 2012 at 5:31 AM
Well i never tried these steps. And as i was searching for the secrets i got to this page. I will definitely give it a try.
June 27, 2012 at 1:04 AM
Thanks for your tips.Let's try and hope for the best.
September 23, 2012 at 12:50 AM
It is crazy, since more then 10 months I'm trying to submit a site to the dmoz directory (accomodations etc) once in a month, but DMOZ is not working anymore. Some directories are not updated in years !!!!
I suggested to become moderator, but they said that they have enough moderators for that categorie : Some directories are not updated in years !!!!
I hope that Goolgle and other search engines let DMOZ down, it would be very nice !!!
October 21, 2012 at 12:17 AM
Seems Like this will work..
Let Hope for best
December 9, 2012 at 5:07 PM
i really try all the steps in tiyr article, but no chance to be in DMOZ, some time i ask if there are any editor in DMOZ????
And i hop a lot, as you said in last line, that major engine give up DMOZ, it will be a Good feista :)
December 26, 2012 at 1:26 AM
I tried my best to add my website in dmoz but failed i don't know why? but i provided all the things dmoz required. Now after read your post i learn a lot of things to be successful make live my directory in dmoz.
January 25, 2013 at 2:54 AM
Hello Sir, I am a SEO Expert from India. I have tried so many time to get listed in Dmoz directory but I have not succeeded. Hope your tips boost my listing.
Thanks for this great ideas.
May 2, 2013 at 12:09 PM
Dmoz is a waste of time. One of my old sites was listed and then it was removed after a few months. I see sites in there that lack quality. So the editing is very random. The easiest and fastest way to get listed is if you know an editor personally and then plead with them on a personal level to accept your link.
July 1, 2013 at 4:36 AM
I don't think so Dmoz is very fruitful now, It is just waste of time as google punish links came from directories.
August 28, 2013 at 5:52 AM
I will desperately try these suggestions ... hope your ideas will work..
October 11, 2013 at 5:13 AM
Hey! i just read your blog,there are so nice info,and good different point,I might be coming back to your blog for more soon.
April 8, 2015 at 10:04 PM
Great tips. This is so informative. I learn a lot about this post
August 25, 2015 at 9:28 PM
i just wondering, as a cigarette seller (online) where i should promote the product i sell ?? anyone can tell me ??
October 9, 2015 at 2:39 AM
This is vary good information it will help all seo lovers
dmoz listing checker
December 9, 2015 at 4:07 AM
After tried many times unsuccessfully, I am will try these ways and will see if this works :)
January 13, 2016 at 8:08 AM
January 31, 2019 at 6:22 AM
Thank you for this great article.
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